Thursday, March 28, 2013

Becoming a Grown Up

      It's been almost a year since I've graduated college now, and I still feel like I'm playing dress-up somedays when I put on my work clothes.  For the most part, I think I have adjusted to the real world pretty well.  I pay bills on time (mostly), I own furniture (I gave up a lot of shoes for that couch), and I no longer binge drink on weeknights (wine doesn't count, right?).  There are days though, when I just want to throw a giant temper tantrum and run to my daddy to solve my problems. Days like yesterday and today. Since I have moved here, it has been one problem after another with my cable company- who shall remain nameless since I am feeling slightly more forgiving today.  My bill has changed every month since I've joined in May and has continued to increase- much to my irritation.  This has meant countless phone calls on my drive home from work, trying to catch them before their office closes at 6:00, and then waiting on hold for a half hour. I'm not even losing that much money, we're talking $15 or so a month, but it's the principle of the matter, and I refuse to back down.  Unfortunately, they seem to keep winning this battle, and as much as I want to just hand the phone over to my dad to take care of, that doesn't seem to be an option.  Mostly because he's 10 hours away. 
     Some other real world things I've encountered recently- taxes. Luckily, my dad has offered to take care of that for me. He has, however, given me a deadine on getting my own car insurance.  This also means I need to finally give up my Michigan residency and officially call myself a Virginia citizen.  Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be an easy task here. So lucky me, I'll be spending the next two weekends at the DMV and getting an emissions and inspection test- which is something Michiganders don't do.  I've heard horror stories of the DMV and I am not looking forward to this.  Oh well, to be an adult! Ironically enough, "Living on a Prayer" is playing on my 80's throwback Pandora right now (best station ever), and that pretty much sums up my feelings on my new adulthood right now. We're halfway there, livin' on a prayer.

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